Silicon photonics is a rapidly emerging field in research and technology of photonic integrated circuits. Given its high refraction index and low dispersion, silicon is a high quality material for light guiding devices. On the other hand, VLSI CMOS compatible processes allow one to design reliable photonic structures, which can be easily integrated with standard electronic circuits at affordable cost. Several structures can be envisaged by means of Silicon Photonic technology such as, for example, optical ring resonators or Mach-Zehnder interferometers. In the basic standard geometry of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer, the arm dimensions are too large for an efficient integration on a silicon chip, in applications where a large number of interferometers are required such as in silicon pixel detectors used in many fields of science and applications - from particle and nuclear physics experiments to medical physics.
Optical modulation, in silicon photonic integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometers can be obtained using the interference condition
between the two different interferometer branches by controlling the electro-optical effect (plasma dispersion).
The silicon photonic integrated Mach-Zehnder, if available with a geometry that maximizes the integration on a silicon chip,
is an excellent device for many applications that require integration of a large number of channels in a single chip. That allow
s realizing a chip that is able, together with the photonic element, to host electronics and sensors on silicon, such as
high-speed data transmission in the high-energy particles silicon detectors.
Two Mach-Zehnder interferometers with different configurations have been designed and produced in a single die in IHP SG25H4_EPIC
0.25 um technology: one developed almost entirely in line (A configuration), while the second has the two arms folded in a spiral
to minimize the occupied surface (B configuration).
The spiral configuration (1300 um x 700 um), with respect to the standard straight one (6200 um x 600 um), offers smaller size
which allows easier integration.
The two different Mach-Zehnder interferometers have been tested in the laboratory and their performances have been compared in a 1550 nm
optical telecommunication window.
The optical and electrical contact positioning has been carried out by means of micrometric movements on three perpendicular axes.
- P. Steglich and F. De Matteis,
Introductory Chapter: Fiber Optics
In "Fiber optics" Ed. P. Steglich and F. De Matteis, IntechOpen, OnLine First March 21st 2019
- G. Alimonti, R. Ammendola, A. Andreazza, D. Badoni, V. Bonaiuto, M. Casalboni, F. De Matteis, A. Mai, G. Paoluzzi,
P. Prosposito, A. Salamon, G. Salina, E. Santovetti, F. Sargeni, A. Satta, S. Schrader, P. Steglich,
Use of silicon photonics wavelength multiplexing techniques for fast parallel readout in high energy physics
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research: A, 936, 601 (2019)
- P. Steglich, C. Mai, C. Villringer, S. Pulwer, M. Casalboni, S. Schrader, A. Mai,
Quadratic electro-optic effect in silicon-organic hybrid slot-waveguides
Optics Letters, 43(15), 3598-3601 (2018)
- P. Steglich, C. Villringer, S. Pulwer, F. Heinrich, J. Bauer, B. Dietzel, C. Mai, A. Mai, M. Casalboni, S. Schrader
Hybrid-Waveguide Ring Resonator for Biochemical Sensing
IEEE Sensors J., 17(15), 4781-4790 (2017)
- P. Steglich, C. Mai, D. Stolarek, S. Lischke, S. Kupijai, C. Villringer, S. Pulwer, F. Heinrich, J. Bauer, S. Meister, D. Knoll,
M. Casalboni, S. Schrader,
Partially slotted silicon ring resonator covered with electro-optical polymer
SPIE Photonics Europe, (International Society for Optics and Photonics), 98910R 98910R (2016)
- P. Steglich, C. Villringer, S. Pulwer, M. Casalboni, S. Schrader,
Design optimization of silicon-on-insulator slot-waveguides for electro-optical modulators and biosensors
in "Photoptics 2015", P. Ribeiro and M. Raposo, eds. (Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2016), Springer
Proceedings in Physics, chap. 11, 173-187 (2016)
- P. Steglich, C. Mai, D. Stolarek, S. Lischke, S. Kupijai, C. Villringer, S. Pulwer, F. Heinrich, J. Bauer, S. Meister, D. Knoll,
M. Casalboni, S. Schrader,
Novel Ring Resonator Combining Strong Field Confinement With High Optical Quality Factor
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 27, 2197 - 2200 (2015)
- P. Steglich, C. Villringer, S. D mecke, Y.P. Michel, M. Lucci, M. Casalboni, S. Schrader,
Silicon-on-insulator slot-waveguide design trade-offs
PHOTOPTICS 2015 - 3rd International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology, Proceedings., 2, 47-52 (2015)